Tell Governor Newsom & California Lawmakers: Employers Need Help, Not Massive New Workers’ Comp Costs

As California struggles to re-open, state lawmakers are considering sweeping, costly changes to the workers’ compensation system that will increase employers’ liability for COVID-19, even the illness is unrelated to work. Overly-broad “presumptions” that treat all cases of COVID-19 as caused by work will unfairly shift the cost of pandemic response onto employers. Employers need government’s help – not billions of dollars of added costs – to bring back jobs and restore public services. 

Please use this Action Center to send a message to your state lawmakers and tell them that:

  • We are doing all we can to keep our workers healthy and protect jobs
  • The Governor’s Executive Order provided a presumption for all workers during the strictest phases of the stay-at-home order
  • ALL workers will continue to be eligible for workers’ comp for work-related COVID-19, even without a presumption
  • Expanding overly-broad presumptions for all workers will add billions in new costs on employers for non-work illness


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